Smart Contracts

Smart contracts

The two application contracts of VERIFY are the IdentityRegistry.sol and ContentGraph.sol.

Both make use of Openzeppelin's TransparentUpgradeableProxy (opens in a new tab) pattern.

There are three sets of these contracts currently deployed:

  • Testnet: Where real world entities are registered and content is being signed and published in a Testnet environment. Registration with the protocol required.
  • Sandbox: Where developers can play around with and test the protocol. No named entities or registration of identities with the protocol.
  • Alpha: An early stage, soon to be deprecated, ContentGraph smart contract. This was deployed as part of the testing and development of the protocol. Now being used from some early application developers.

Both Testnet and Sandbox environments are on the VERIFY testnet, a Polygon cdk validum appchain. For links to the RPC, Bridge, and Blockexplorer can be found here (opens in a new tab).

Testnet Environment

VERIFY Testnet (opens in a new tab)

Identity Registry Proxy0xFC937a068c93e5878CcD5C20f2DBaEf95d7F1Cfe (opens in a new tab)
Identity Registry Implementation0xA1f4947faB1729b3aD10C688bA6B02BdC9cb241f (opens in a new tab)
ContentGraph Proxy0xAE8c7c7e6819f425CE750CC7F7e72A13Ef3635E0 (opens in a new tab)
ContentGraph Implementation0xF2a81936441BA4fE353633b2874195792Fb41823 (opens in a new tab)


License ContractAddress
Public0x6Cf8374a13b48070b600be33F16370Ab3e557600 (opens in a new tab)
Private0xd4547af11c8296Bc9B3d79Fd9a680b2163D419C (opens in a new tab)
Allowlist0xAa800342cC635FC8D9c394981120CcAf65321b15 (opens in a new tab)
TokenBalance0x90E4742050BcB1Aa4D7dF4Bf200A83142C951295 (opens in a new tab)
TimeBasedNot yet available
AuthorizerNot yet available

Sandbox Environment

VERIFY Testnet (opens in a new tab)

Identity Registry Sandbox Proxy0xdCE27c4a76bE1fF9F9C543E13FCC3591E33A0E25 (opens in a new tab)
Identity Registry Sandbox Implementation0x8E7f194e8C249372Bff080C1FBfae95f332bB225 (opens in a new tab)
ContentGraph Sandbox Proxy0xEe586a3655EB0D017643551e9849ed828Fd7c7FA (opens in a new tab)
ContentGraph Sandbox Implementation0x917340A034FBce4166Bffd556015D862D00021aD (opens in a new tab)


License ContractAddress
Public0xB4D05978AfC8a03A1D8e91314186fBd3A9E513b3 (opens in a new tab)
Private0xEab65FD2aBF9b14C08187aa69bD6A74B7993eAf3 (opens in a new tab)
Allowlist0xb98068e0DA0Da5b9a50461F3B99473a3417dFf62 (opens in a new tab)
TokenBalance0x6Dc26fcef41fb3117753B51b0DF6685b1708cd02 (opens in a new tab)
TimeBased0x55B03c3025901F391bb787FeFB83f23450e7c909 (opens in a new tab)
Authorizer0x4d18eE1343165E74fe8de53700ee62FDB0810cDb (opens in a new tab)


Polygon Mainnet (opens in a new tab)

ContentGraph Alpha Proxy0xe2547fe5E99a08357083cFA42C6CDC0Cf5D65215 (opens in a new tab)
ContentGraph Alpha Admin0x545710b7b5E43DC7738dfb973B03344ff0b074Ac (opens in a new tab)
ContentGraph Alpha Implementation0x41BC4B37093F156B1BAC7785e85fE5b25203f0C8 (opens in a new tab)