

All data but some digital assets in VERIFY are publicly available. Here we will walk through methods of indexing and reading this information.

In the near future an API as well as a SDK will make performing reads in VERIFY much easier.


Its important to know who is publishing what on VERIFY. To identify the publisher of a piece of content the following can be done.

Given a id of a token in the graph a user can first get the metadata surrounding a token:


This method returns a tuple of the following, where a uri that corresponds to a metadata file location for the node.

struct Node {
    uint256 token;
    NodeType nodeType;
    bytes32 id;
    bytes32 referenceOf;
    string uri;
    address accessAuth;
    address referenceAuth;

The metadata file will contain attestations to the publisher of the content as well as two signatures. One is the identity signature stored under the data field. The other is a signature from the transacting wallet.

Both of these signatures can be used to recover the root identity and intermediate identity (see identity).

The public keys recovered can be converted into their corresponding addresses by taking the keccak256 hash of the key and keeping the 20 right most bytes.

intermediateAddress: 0x3209FA...
rootAddress: 0xAC38901...

To check if the intermediate identity is registered to the root, you can use the whoIs() method of the identity registry contract. If the intermediateAddress is registered whoIs() will return the rootAddress, else the 0 address will be returned.

To get the name associated to the rootAddress the rootName() mapping can be used to recover the name that is registered by the protocol to that root address.

If all signatures are valid and recover to the expected values, then the values of the metadata file have been attested to by the root identity recovered.


To index over the tokens in the graph the childrenOf() and parentOf() methods can be used. As all nodes share a common parent id: 0, the tree can be indexed by starting at the root and using the childrenOf() method to get the list of child nodes. To traverse up from a leaf node the parentOf() method can be used to get the single parent of a child node.

As the ContentGraph is based on ERC6150 (opens in a new tab) which is based on ERC721 (opens in a new tab) , traditional methods of token ownership indexing can be used.