A license which allows for the combination of several licenses via a boolean expression.
The contract stores the expression in abstract syntax tree (AST).
Configuration Functions
setAuth(bytes32 id, string calldata expression, address[] calldata authContracts)
Sets the boolean expression used to evaluate multiple licenses for a single node.
- id: The node for which this expression is applied.
- expression: A string defining the boolean expression of licenses. This made up of the following characters
Left bracket.)
Right bracket.&
AND operation.!
NOT operation.|
OR operation.
- authContracts: an ordered list of licenses which are being used in the expression.
Example Expression:
string memory expression = "((0|1)&(!1)|(0|1))";
address[] authContracts = new address[](2);
authContracts[0] = address(public);
authContracts[1] = address(private);
- 0: being the public license, i.e
- 1: being the private license, i.e
The expression is equal to ( (T|F) & !(F) | (T|F))
or simplified to ( T & T & T) = T
Access Functions
getRoot(bytes32 id)
Returns the root node of the AST expression for a given ContentGraph node, made up of a operator, address of a license and the ids of child AST nodes.
getNode(uint256 id)
Returns a node in the AST expression tree, made up of a operator, address of a license and the ids of child AST nodes.
auth(bytes32 id, address user)
Returns the result of evaluating the expression set for a given node for a given user.
See Smart Contracts for the address of this license.