The ContentGraph


The interface for the ContentGraph smart contract. This contract utilizes ERC6150 and supports its interface more info on the functions supported here (opens in a new tab)

Node ids

The ContentGraph indexes all content using a unique id. Ids are based on the underlying content for asset nodes. For reference and org nodes its up to the publisher.

Asset Ids: keccak256(binary data of content)

Organization/Reference Ids: Example method: keccak256(abi.encodedPacked(wallet,nodesCreated++))



Returns the total number of nodes in the ContentGraph.

nodesCreated(address user)

Returns the number of nodes created by an address. Used as a nonce to create IDs for non-asset nodes.

publishBulk(bytes32 parentId, ContentNode[] calldata content)

Given a parent id of NodeType ORG, publishes a set of Content nodes (NodeType == REFERENCE|ASSET), setting the uri for assets nodes and referenceOf for reference nodes. This succeeds so long that:

  • Passed parent is an existing org node that is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.
  • All ids are correctly formed based on their type and are unique, they do not exist already in the ContentGraph.
  • For ContentNodes of nodeType ASSET, a uri must be passed.
  • For ContentNodes of nodeType REFERENCE, the value of referenceOf must be an existing asset node in the graph.
struct ContentNode {
    bytes32 id;
    NodeType nodeType;
    bytes32 referenceOf;
    string uri;

On error throws:

publish(bytes32 parentId, ContentNode content)

Given a parent id of NodeType ORG, publishes a Content node (NodeType == REFERENCE|ASSET), setting the uri for a asset node and referenceOf for a reference node. This succeeds so long that:

  • Passed parent is an existing org node that is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.
  • The id is correctly formed based on its type and is unique, it does not exist already in the ContentGraph.
  • For ContentNodes of nodeType ASSET, a uri must be passed.
  • For ContentNodes of nodeType REFERENCE, the value of referenceOf must be an existing asset node in the graph.
struct ContentNode {
    bytes32 id;
    NodeType nodeType;
    bytes32 referenceOf;
    string uri;

On error throws:

createNode(bytes32 id, bytes32 parentId, NodeType nodeType, bytes32 referenceOf)

Given a parent id of NodeType ORG, creates a node of a given type. If the NodeType is REFERENCE, sets the referenceOf value as well. his succeeds so long that:

  • Passed parent is an existing org node that is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.
  • The id is correctly formed based on its type and is unique, it does not exist already in the ContentGraph.
  • For ContentNodes of nodeType REFERENCE, the value of referenceOf must be an existing asset node in the graph.

On error throws:

move(bytes32 id, bytes32 newParentId)

Moves a node corresponding to the passed id to org node corresponding to the passed newParentId. This is successful so long that:

  • Passed id is an existing node that is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.
  • Passed newParentId is an existing org node that is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.

On error throws:

setAccessAuth(bytes32 id, address accessAuth)

Sets the access authorization contract for the node at id. This is successful so long that:

  • The node corresponding to the id passed is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.

On error throws:

setReferenceAuth(bytes32 id, address referenceAuth)

Sets the reference authorization contract for the node at id. This is successful so long that:

  • The node corresponding to the id passed is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.
  • The node is not of NodeType REFERENCE.

On error throws:

setURI(bytes32 id, string calldata uri)

Sets the URI for a token/node at id. This is successful so long that:

  • The node corresponding to the id passed is owned by the root identity that the intermediate is acting on behalf of. See identity for more.
  • The node is not of NodeType REFERENCE.

On error throws:

auth(bytes32 id, address user)

Returns a if a passed user address is authorized to access the content stored at id.

  • If auth is not set or the user fails auth at the level of the node, access auth is delegated to the org node parent of the node. If a user is rejected at a lower level auth will not delegate to the root node, where no auth module is set.

  • If the node being accessed is a reference node, the owner of the reference token must satisfy the reference auth of the asset being referenced in addition to the user satisfying the access auth on the reference node.

On error throws:

refAuth(id, user)

Returns a if a passed user address is authorized to reference the content stored at id in a collection.

  • If auth is not set or the user fails auth at the level of the node, reference auth is delegated to the org node parent of the node. If a user is rejected at a lower level auth will not delegate to the root node, where no auth module is set.

  • Reference authorization will always fail for nodes of type REFERENCE.

On error throws:

getNode(bytes32 id)

Returns a Node corresponding to a passed id given that it exists. As nodes of NodeType REFERENCE do not have a uri, the returned uri for a reference node is uri of the asset node it references.

struct Node {
    uint256 token;
    NodeType nodeType;
    bytes32 id;
    bytes32 referenceOf;
    string uri;
    address accessAuth;
    address referenceAuth;

On error throws:

tokenToNode(uint256 token)

Given a tokenId that exists from the ERC6150, return the Node that corresponds to that given token Id.

See getNode() for more details.

On error throws:



Moved(id, from, to)

AccessAuthUpdate(id, accessAuthContract)

ReferenceAuthUpdate(id, refAuthContract)

URIUpdate(id, uri)



Selector: 0xea8e4eb5

Thrown when a caller address is not registered with a root identity in the Identity Registry.


Selector: 0xa86b6512

Thrown when passed params are invalid.


Selector: 0x5e926f71

Thrown when attempting to preform an operation on a node which has not been created yet.


Selector: 0xe63231f6

Thrown when attempting to create a node using a id that already exists.